state 2015
The girls Division one rated and 2nd Place State Hoopla Routine. This is the first routine to place at State for the School!!
The girls Division One Rated Pom Routine! This is the highest scoring Pom Routine in School History. We were only 4 points behind the first place team!
All-Male Team! The boys took 3rd place in the All-Male Dance Division! They earned a division one rating.
The girls division one rated Hip Hop Routine! This is the highest scoring hip hop routine in school history!
state dress rehearsal at st. ambrose
Competition Pom Routine
Boys Competition Routine
Competition Hip Hop Routine
Competition Hoop Routine
Stack the stands competition in cedar rapids
Second Time we competed the pom routine, Stack the Stands: We brought home 6th Place.
Second Time We competed the Hip Hop Routine: Stack the Stands, we brought home 2nd Place
This is the first time we competed the Hoop Routine: Stack The Stands, We brought home 1st Place.
Iowa Spirit Spectacular competition in iowa city
This is the first time we competed the Hip Hop Routine: Iowa Spirit Spectacular, We brought home 3rd Place.
This is the first time we competed our pom routine, in Iowa City at the Iowa Spirit Spectacular! We brought home 7th Place.