State Hip hop 2016
The girls earned a Division One Rating and an Outstanding 5th Place for this Amazing Hip Hop Routine at the ISDTA State Championship on December 4, 2015.
state coed 2016
The kids earned a division one rating and 2nd Place for their Coed Routine at the ISDTA State Dance Championship on December 4, 2015.
state All-Male 2016
The boys earned a division one rating and 2nd Place at the ISDTA State Championship in Des Moines, December 4, 2015
state hoopla 2016
The girls earned a division one rating for this routine at the ISDTA State Competition in Des Moines on December 4, 2015.
state pom routine 2016 state championships
The girls earned a division one rating for this routine at the ISDTA State Competition in Des Moines on December 4, 2015.
hip hop dress rehearsal
all-male dress rehearsal
coed dress rehearsal
hoop dress rehearsal
pom dress rehearsal
state solos
On October 31, 2015 Six Senior girls attended the Iowa State Solo Competition in Newton , Iowa. The girls all earned division one ratings for their solos and scored and place higher than any group from Central.
Molly Ruhnke
Justine Doyle
Victoria Taylor
Darica Hayes
Camry Steward
Dayna Tanner
Iowa Spirit Spectacular
Team Routines
Hip Hop Routine: Earned 2nd Place
Pom Routine: Earned 5th Place
All-Male: Earned 1st Place
Darica Hayes: Earned 8th Place
Victoria Taylor: Earned 7th Place
Dayna Tanner